Alrosa’s ‘Spirit of the Rose’ Could Sell for $60M+

Moscow—It is a diamond that will hold records in Russia for a long time.

The “Spirit of the Rose” is a 14.83-carat fancy vivid purple-pink diamond cut from the largest piece of pink rough ever mined in Russia.

It is the biggest natural colored diamond classified as a fancy vivid purple-pink ever graded by the Gemological Institute of America.

And it is expected to sell for $60 million or more when Alrosa puts it up for auction, making it the most expensive Russian diamond in history.

Colored diamond expert Eden Rachminov called the Rose “an iconic Russian gem.”

“A large fancy vivid purple-pink, internally flawless, with perfect visual characteristics such as this one enters the market literally once in a generation. The stone has the most desirable pink undertone dispersed perfectly and looks much bigger in relation to its actual weight,” he said. “Its beauty overcomes the important pink diamonds sold at auction in the last decade … I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to hold this pink wonder in my hands.”

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