Study Finds Women Are More Excited About the Apple Watch Than Men

But they’re still not in love with its design

The sleek, simple lines of the Apple Watch may look and feel more masculine than feminine, but a new study has found that women actually like it more than men.

CrowdFlower, an elegantly named data enrichment platform that collects, cleans, and labels big data sets, analyzed more than 30,000 individual tweets that mentioned the Apple Watch since its launch on April 24—gathering results that use “people rather than an algorithm” to parse the data, read a company statement.

Here are some findings from the CrowdFlower Apple Watch Social Data Study (see the full study here): 

  • At launch, 64 percent of women expressed positive feelings toward the smartwatch, while men are less excited—at a 53 percent overall approval rating.
  • But guys are more likely to chat about it: While women who tweeted about the watch were generally more enthusiastic, far fewer women tweeted about it to begin with. Sevently percent of all tweets, whether positive, negative, or neutral, came from men.
  • Following the initial announcement, 74 percent of women who tweeted about the watch—and more than 56 percent of men who tweeted about it—intended to purchase the watch.

  • The most-loved element of the Watch was the variety of apps, which were cited 56 percent of the time when discussing its positive features. Specifically, Apple Watch owners tweeted in large numbers that the “health and fitness apps are very useful and accurate.”

  • Women’s positive feelings were even more focused on the apps than the overall sample. Sixty two percent of women cited apps when they delivered positive opinions, whereas only 26 percent named design. In contrast, 15 percent of those who tweeted negative opinions of the watch cited bad design as a core problem.
If these findings have merit (they are based on Twitter posts, remember), Apple has missed the mark with women: creating a product with with functionality they’re looking for but tucked into a design they’re not crazy about.
The company seems to be trying to close that gap with aggressive marketing to the female fashion consumer, for one. The device was recently on the covers of Self and Vogue China—and Apple ran a 12-page ad in American Vogue.
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